Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's Not Over Yet.

Today, I had a lecture about preceptorship.  A timeline was given to us about next semester - the endpoint which I am looking towards with a queasy combination of dread and anticipation.  The end of this semester marks an important point - when it ends, I will never have finals again, unless I choose to go back to school.

This season is also a historic first for my marriage - it is our first Christmas together, as a married couple.  We've been through so much together - family issues, frustrations about class, sadness about being away from each other - we've seen a lot.  And we have a lot more to see together.  I can only hope that the next fifty (or sixty...or seventy...) years will be as awesome as the first five.

Sometimes I wish that my life was more exciting, that I need more adventure.  The rest of the time I realize the impracticality of adventure in real life.  Adventure is expensive, often dangerous, and puts a barrier between you and your loved ones.  I like the stability of home far more than the dangerous world outside.  I applaud those who can make their dreams a reality, who can go to far off places and talk about their travels.  However, I don't believe I could ever be one of those people.  That's why I love books and movies.  I can go anywhere I want in the world, or in the universe, or even parallel universes, without having to leave the safety of my home.  I am a creature of habit, and I don't like being away from home for too long.

That being said, my home is with my heart; my heart is with my husband.  Wherever we go together, I know we can make it our home.

This shall be my (second-to) last post about finals week: an adaptation of a quote from the fabulous David Bowie movie, Labyrinth.

Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to Christmas break, beyond finals week, to take back the time that my professors have stolen.  For my will is as strong as theirs, and my plans are as great. They have no power over me.

Except the power to decide whether I pass or fail.  But at least they didn't steal a baby because I asked them to.

Have a great week!  See you next Saturday!

Melanie E.

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