Friday, December 14, 2012

Looking Forward to a New Year

The new year is slowly coming upon us.  Supposedly, we only have six days until the end of the world.  Personally, I don't believe anything is going to happen.  On the off chance something does, I really hope that I can do something meaningful with the six days I have left.  I digress.  What I meant to start talking about was hopes, dreams, and goals for the future.  I've mentioned before that I want to work for Partners in Health and work out in the community.  One of my health goals is to train for 5K and 10K races.  I just feel like there's more to see, more to do, that I'm missing out on.  Sometimes, it's nice to not do anything.  But it can't be that way all the time.  I need to get out and do things and see people and explore and do all of the things that I'm too scared to do.

Yesterday morning, a terrible thing happened.  Twenty children at a school in Connecticut were killed by a gunman.  Those kids never got the chance to reach their full potential.  They will never graduate.  They will never get married.  They will never get the chance to have children of their own.   I don't want to waste my life; I want to be excited and passionate and live my life in such a way as to help others.  I can't undo the bad things that have happened, but I can make damn sure that I leave this place better than I found it.

Maybe I'm so fired up because I watched The Dark Knight Rises tonight.  I know Bruce Wayne/Batman isn't a real person, but it kind of inspires you to be a hero, to do the right thing even for people who may not deserve it.  Sometimes, that's what being a nurse is all about.  I believe that everyone deserves healthcare.  However, it's much easier to be a nurse when you personally believe that an individual needs healthcare.  I have worked with patients who I personally felt were mooching off the system.  Half of their problems could have been solved by eating better and exercising regularly.  It is so important to take care of yourself when you're young and able to do so.  Sometimes, diseases and injuries cannot be helped, and those people will generally get sympathy from me.  If you're eating fried chicken and doughnuts every day, however, I'm less sympathetic if you have a diabetic foot ulcer.

Sometimes, obesity is the result of genetic abnormalities.  Most of the time, however, people just make poor choices.  I want to stop that.  I want people to feel good inside and out, and that's hard to do when you're carrying around extra weight.

Well, that's it for my soapbox.  Thanks for stopping by, dear reader.

Melanie E.

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